Sophie Jean Walton

As a graduate student at Stanford

Xue, K.S., S.J. Walton , D.A. Goldman, M.L. Morrison, A.J. Verster, A.B. Parrott, F.B. Yu, N. Neff, N.A. Rosenberg, B.D. Ross, D.A. Petrov, K.C. Huang, B.H. Good, and D. Relman. Prolonged delays in human microbiota transmission after a controlled antibiotic perturbation. biorXiv (2023). doi:

Arjes, H.A., J. Sun, H Liu, T.H. Nguyen, R. Culver, A.I. Celis, S.J. Walton, K. Vasquez, F.B. Yu, K.S. Xue, D. Newton, R. Zermeno, M. Waglerz, A. Deutschbauer, K.C. Huang, and A. Shiver. Construction and characterization of a genome-scale ordered mutant collection of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. BMC biology 20, 285 (2022).

As an undergraduate at Caltech

Walton, S.J. , S.E. Clamons, and R.M. Murray. Analysis of Circuits for Dosage Control in Microbial Populations.bioRxiv (2020).

Walton, S.J. , H. Wang,P. Quintero-Cadena, A. Bateman, and P.W. Sternberg. Caenorhabditis elegans AF4/FMR2 Family Homolog affl-2 Regulates Heat-Shock-Induced Gene Expression.Genetics, Volume 215, Issue 4, 1 August 2020, Pages 1039–1054,

Walton, S.J. , H. Wang, J. Liu, and P.W. Sternberg Mapping results for a set of cGAL effectors and drivers. microPublication Biology (2017) doi: 10.17912/W2Q947

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last updated: December 2024, Adapted from